Category: Anti-Vibration Gloves
HAVS still a Threat
I was recently contacted by Jerry Laws, the Editor of OH&S (Occupational Health and Safety Magazine) regarding the persistent problem of Hand-Arm Vibration Syndrome since we offer certified AV Gloves for workers with this chronic problem.
It’s the same problem I discussed back in a February post. To see my discussion with Jerry click on the title of this post. It’s an important and often overlooked issue.
I’m curious how many of you workers out there know about HAVS?
Good Good Good Good Vibrations
I thought of this classic Beach Boys song when I was drafting an article for “Modern Contractor” about anti-vibration gloves and (HAVS) Hand-Arm Vibration Syndrome. It’s a worthwhile read for those of you who work with any type of vibrating tools in your work.
You can also see our newest glove to prevent HAVS. See the new Ergodyne ProFlex Anti-Vibration Gloves. (Shown) Click on image to enlarge.
I’m not sure these gloves will keep giving you excitations but they are the only ANSI certified glove for this problem.