The answer is rather simple and goes back to his days when he also pioneered digital print formats based on his passion for photography. Those were the days when digital format began to overtake conventional photographic processing.
I should also mention that this is not a typical post about glove suggestions or solutions but a bit more about some of my personal history with gloves and our ESD Anti-Static Gloves that I mentioned in my previous post. However, for those of you who enjoy a bit of nostalgia, then you will enjoy learning more about my introduction with Graham. I do fun posts like this on my Blog relating to my history with gloves about twice a year and I know my subscribers enjoy these stories based on the replies I receive.

As most everyone in the world knows, Graham Nash is famously known as one of the founders of the popular UK rock group “The Hollies” in the 60’s and later came to fame as one of the founders of the famous rock group, “Crosby, Stills and Nash” later named “Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young” when Neil Young joined the group. He also produced some music as a solo artist which clearly exhibited his unique style and originality. For instance, I recall visiting an old dear friend of mine, Carlos Santarelli, at Lafayette University in Pennsylvania in the 70’s, over a very “fun” weekend and he was playing some new songs in his dorm room and I asked…. “Who was that playing… it’s nice”? He said, “Graham Nash, you know him, right?” I said yes and was surprised to learn that Graham ventured out on his own at the time.
I met Graham during a PMA photographic imaging trade show in 1991 in New York City while we were exhibiting our popular photo lab and special anti-static gloves. Those were the days when photographic processing was routinely done in photo labs, but that process was rapidly transforming to digital processing.
As I learned, Graham was there lecturing on his pioneering technology of large-scale digital graphics image printing. He is also the founder of Nash Editions, which is still a leading digital print company located in Southern California. As a matter of fact, his first digital printer and one of its first published works – Nash’s 1969 portrait of David Crosby – have been in the permanent collection of the Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History.
After he introduced himself and his business partner, Mac Holbert, to me, which was a bit of a shock at first, he was intrigued by our ESD Anti-Static Gloves. I provided him with the technical aspects, and he was also fascinated by our imitation hand glove prop that featured someone wearing our ESD Anti-Static glove.
He was a very congenial man which was nice to experience, and he asked me if he could borrow my gloved hand prop for a photo exhibit he was entering. I agreed if he returned it as soon as he was finished with his project.
He personally returned the glove prop and thanked me. I learned the next day that the image he made of our glove prop was prominently featured in a special event during the trade show and I believe he even won an award for the image.
As a matter of fact, his photo image even made the cover of the DIGIT magazine, which was one of the first magazines to pioneer the new digital age in photography. He was even quoted by the editor about the glove pop as someone was setting up the shoot for an advertisement and he asked them, “Can you lend me a hand?” Hence, our gloves were the backdrop for the use of his technology.
His image of our glove prop which was featured on the cover of this magazine is the image in this post. I also have a signed copy of the actual image in our offices. His company also became a customer of our special gloves.
I had the pleasure to meet Graham again after this show since he often attended some subsequent photo imaging shows and he would always stop by our exhibit to say hello.
Thank you for subscribing,
Joe McGarry
The Glove Guru