Electrical Safety Glove Classifications

I often get calls asking what class of rubber insulating gloves is required for specific levels of voltage. The following is information from OSHA. 
Employees who work in close proximity to live electrical current may require a variety of electrical insulating protective equipment. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) outlines this in their electrical protective equipment standard (29 CFR 1910.137) which provides the design requirements and in-service care and use requirements for electrical-insulating gloves and sleeves as well as insulating blankets, matting, covers and line hoses. 
Electrical safety gloves are categorized by the level of voltage protection they provide. Voltage protection is broken down into the following classes:
Class 00 – Maximum use voltage of 500 volts
Class 0 – Maximum use voltage of 1,000 volts
Class 1 – Maximum use voltage of 7,500 volts
Class 2 – Maximum use voltage of 17,000 volts
Class 3 – Maximum use voltage of 26,500 volts
Class 4 – Maximum use voltage of 36,000 volts 
Other requirements include daily inspections for any damage before each day’s use and retested and certified every six months. 
You can print a copy of the Electrical Glove classification, voltage levels, and labeling chart by clicking on this “CHART” link.