Buy these Heat Resistant Gloves for handling your Galaxy Note 7 Phone
Because of the fire potential, it dawned on my today that we have a few solutions for handling or returning your Samsung Galaxy Note 7 smart phone.
I personally own a Note 5 which I love and considered up-grading to the Note 7 later this year. Unfortunately, those plans are on hold due to the recall by Samsung. 
In any case, if you have a Note 7 and are concerned about the burning curiosity that may develop as you plan to carry your phone into your local cell phone retailer; we have a few good gloves that may dampen that concern.
See our Heat & Flame Resistant gloves. These will be a great preventive measure to avoid any burns to your hands. If you don’t have a Note 7, you may want to bookmark this link in case you may need any heat or flame resistant gloves in the future. BTW, the Wells Lamont gloves are always a good choice.
On another note (no pun intended), we also carry cell phone compatible gloves which are good for the fall and winter weather. 
Don’t forget, we are your best glove source and we try to cover all the bases and your hands. We also know how to have fun when it comes to gloves.

Caviar meets Metal Mesh Gloves

It’s always fun to learn more about our customers and their uses and yesterday,

I was able to assist one with a special request for a special event. They needed a few pair of our famous Whizard Stainless Steel Metal Mesh gloves but they needed them the next day.  Unfortunately, we were out of stock on the size they needed but fortunately, my reliable colleague at Wells Lamont Industrial, Pat, came through at the very end of their work day and had them shipped overnight for us. He saved the day and the show.

Whizard Metal Mesh Gloves

What’s interesting is the various types of customers that use our gloves. This one is Caviar & Caviar in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. They are a gourmet purveyor of caviar and salmon products. They also feature a web site for on-line orders. Check them out.
I’m not surprised that Caviar & Caviar deal in delicacies and use the SS Metal Mesh gloves – these gloves are the ultimate delicacy in cut resistance in food processing.