A Brief History of Gloves-Online.com

This week in 1991 the World Wide Web (WWW) was founded.

It was just 5 years later that, Joe McGarry, launched Gloves-Online.com.

To put this innovative endeavor into perspective, this was around the same time that Amazon initially launched its bookstore and 2 years before Google was founded.   

The timing of the Gloves-Online.com URL and the uniqueness of the URL domain name alone is a great example of it’s the early entry into the internet WWW world. Some of you may recall the heydays of the early .com era and the drive to have a web presence at that time. During this time many opportunists were buying up all sorts of URL names without any intentions to build a web site but with the only objective to sell the name to an eager buyer.

FYI, below are very interesting examples of the most expensive domain names recently publicly reported:

·  CarInsurance.com — $49.7 million.

·  Insurance.com — $35.6 million.

·  VacationRentals.com — $35 million.

·  PrivateJet.com — $30.18 million.

Joe also owns glovesonline.com but he preferred the novelty by using the “hyphen” in the name and for a better look to users. Glovesonline.com is a redirect domain as well as gogloves.com.

It’s interesting to contemplate what the value of the GO Gloves and Gloves-Online domain family of URL internet names are worth today.

Our evolution’s through the years….

GO Gloves, which the company is commonly called today, was the very first web portal in the world devoted exclusively to gloves. GO Gloves was an offshoot of Polygenex International, Inc. which was founded by Joe in 1990 and became the largest domestic manufacturer of specialty high-tech knit gloves. GO Gloves was originally developed as a source of glove information for people searching for glove know-how on the internet.

The existence of the original Gloves-Online information web site actually led to a new unforeseen opportunity to actually sell gloves that people were searching for but could not find. 

The very first gloves that GO Gloves featured for sale on the internet where high-quality white cotton gloves including the gloves that were manufactured by Polygenex. These white gloves, often referred to as parade gloves, were selected since people were searching for sources of these gloves since they were difficult to find locally or at department stores as in the old days. As examples, these types of gloves were used by church ushers, bell choirs, funeral pall-bearers, military guard units, marching bands, catering companies, cotillions, Santa Claus outfitting, and doorman just to name a few. Consequently, a new internet business dedicated to hard-to-find gloves was born.

The rising popularity of GO Gloves was reflected by its search history which was just over 1 million page views by the year 2000 and doubled to just nearly 2 million page views only a few years later. Today, Joe no longer provides this data for obvious proprietary reasons but it’s become one of the largest glove sources on the internet with a world-wide audience.

Industrial & Work Glove concept….

In 2008, GO Gloves launched its sister web site Industrial Gloves Online which was focused exclusively to work and industrial gloves. The Industrial Glove web site was set up under a separate URL domain so that buyers looking for work gloves had easier navigation without filtering through all of the consumer glove listings. However, all of the gloves listed on the industrial work glove web site are also available on the main original consumer Gloves-Online web site.

The Glove Guru Blog….

Also, in 2008, Joe developed a special blog devoted to gloves called The Glove Guru. The blog covers useful glove information, glove technical data, and valuable and beneficial glove suggestions. The advantage of the Glove Guru Blog is that it contains more in-depth information about particular types of gloves that is difficult to include on a product description and this information remains as a permanent archive on the internet. The Glove Guru Blog also has its own search engine so you can easily locate articles and information on gloves.


During all this time, we’ve done “major” up-grades and modernized our web sites over 10 times using the latest web site technology and shopping cart functionality including web site security processes and friendly web site navigation.

Gloves-Online also has a very robust internal search engine integrated within the web sites to make it very easy to find and locate a glove by its design, manufacturer, or use. Our site search engine will also locate a glove that is featured on both of our web sites regardless of which web site you are searching from using the search box.

Today, GO Gloves serves over 13,000 dedicated customers, stocks over 2,500 glove styles, represents over 34 glove manufacturers, and ships gloves worldwide.

Ambidextrous Work Gloves

Want to double the life of your work gloves? Would you like to save money on your work gloves?

Most people overlook the ambidextrous feature of some work gloves and that oversight might turn out to be very expensive in some cases. Our competitors don’t talk about the advantages of ambidextrous work gloves since it reduces glove sales but we like to educate and make our customer’s glove smart.

Simply said, ambidextrous work gloves are gloves that can be worn on either hand. Some manufacturers refer to them as reversible gloves but you get the idea.

I’m sure that many of you never stopped to think about an ambidextrous glove or a non-ambidextrous glove but the difference is very dramatic. One point is that non-ambidextrous gloves have what is called a keystone thumb. A keystone thumb is made from a different piece of fabric or leather and sewn separately into the palm of the glove. Gloves with a keystone thumb are more comfortable and ergonomic since they mimic the hand structure. This feature is very important with very form fitting work gloves or dress gloves. The other type of a thumb design is winged thumbs but they are not very popular today in more modern work gloves in general.

Another type of non-ambidextrous gloves is coated work gloves that are very form fitting and replicate the natural curvature of the hand.

By what I’ve mentioned already may make many of you think that ambidextrous gloves are cheaply made or inferior gloves but this is not the case. It is simply that some gloves lend themselves to this type of glove design opposed to non-ambidextrous glove models. You will see that in the examples below.

As many of you have experienced, under most working conditions where you need to wear protective work gloves, the palms always wear out before the rest of the glove making them useless. So, if you think about it, by simply wearing the glove on the other hand, you reverse the palm side to the back side which extends the usefulness of the gloves. OK, now that the back side may not look pretty but who cares when it comes to work gloves. We’re not talking dress gloves here. We are taking performance in a work glove.

Therefore, once you consider that you can renew the life of the gloves by reversing them, in essence, you have now doubled the working life of your work gloves. This is money saved.

Another example is the fact that in some operations, one glove wears out faster than another like a right hand or a left hand glove. In the case of ambidextrous gloves, you can replace one glove and it doesn’t matter if it’s a right hand or left hand model since it will fit either hand.

To put this in perspective, I’ll give you some examples so you can get a better idea how ambidextrous gloves can possibly apply to your situation. The examples may seem obvious in some cases but it’s good to point out some examples employed by many of our customers.

A factory assembly line is the best example where there is a very high usage of gloves. Therefore, by doubling the life of the gloves that workers use can lead to some very significant savings. So, if you purchase gloves for your factory workers try and find an ambidextrous model. Some examples of these are cotton inspection gloves or utility cotton gloves used in moving items along an assembly line. Our 7 Gauge – Standard Weight Seamless Knit Cotton/Polyester gloves are a good example.

Another good example is ambidextrous heat resistant gloves. In many cases only one heat resistant glove is required in a work activity. In this case and since heat resistant gloves are sold by the pair, an ambidextrous model is more cost effective since you only have to replace one glove at a time and it doesn’t matter if it is a right hand model or a left hand model. Otherwise, if these gloves are not ambidextrous, you will be throwing away either the left handed or right handed glove. See this link as an example.

The same condition applies to some ambidextrous cut-resistant gloves as they do in the ambidextrous heat resistant gloves above. See this link as an example.

Regarding ambidextrous cut-resistant gloves, our Stainless Steel Metal Mesh Gloves are an excellent example. These are widely used in meat cutting activities such as grocery stores, and an ambidextrous feature is ideal since they are shared among many employees and it does not matter if they are right handed or left handed.

The most popular and obvious example of ambidextrous gloves are disposable gloves such as latex, nitrile and vinyl gloves. Although no one ever thinks about it, these gloves are ambidextrous and always have been.

See the following link to see our current offering of ambidextrous work gloves.

Ambidextrous Work Gloves

If anyone wishes to bring a nice Ambidextrous Gloves to my attention, please let me know.

Thank you for subscribing to my blog,

Joe McGarry, The Glove Guru

Flash Colored Gloves

We’ve made and sold Flash Colored Gloves for over 25 years. The generic name “Flash Gloves” is unknown but is believed to be derived from the colorful gloves popular among cheer groups. This post contains information about colored gloves which are primarily used for events, cheerleaders, parades, promotions, and shows.

History and evolution of Flash Colored Gloves

Originally, colored gloves could not be found commercially and were dyed at home using white cotton gloves with dye solutions. Over time, due to their world-wide popularity, they became commercially available is select popular colors. They eventually evolved from cotton to being made using high quality stretch polyester fabric since they were more universally sized (one size fits all) and not as size critical with cotton versions.

Another advantage of using polyester is that polyester fibers, being a polymer, can be made in very vibrant colors and will not fade or lose their color like cotton.

Today, almost 100% of the colored gloves you will find are made from a high quality polyester fiber except for fashion silk and satin colored gloves. Also, Flash Colored gloves are now made in a Men’s universal size in popular colors. It should also be noted that the Flash colored gloves that we offer at Gloves-Online (GO Gloves) are made from a polyester fiber that looks and feels like cotton. It’s nothing like the polyester that was used in clothing in the ‘60’s.  

Two Models

We offer Flash Gloves in 2 models. The most popular are the solid color models. The other model is our Flash 2 Color model. The two color models have a white top with a colored palm. The purpose of the two color model is that the performers look like they are wearing traditional white gloves while marching which turns into a color as they do a dance routine showing their palms in unison. This may sound blasé but it is a very nice feature when you see a performance using the two color models.

Important features

Besides the vivid colors, there are 2 important features to consider.

A soft stretch polyester fabric: Not all polyesters are stretchy and this is important since one size will fit most. Otherwise, sizing will become an issue with almost everyone.

Keystone thumb: This feature may not seem important but it is if you want the gloves to be comfortable, form fitting, and ergonomically fit the user. To identify a keystone thumb glove model, these are where the thumb piece is made separately and set into and sewn into the palm of the glove. Gloves without a keystone thumb are simply two pieces of fabric laid out and cut to the shape of a hand and sewn together. Our hands are not designed this way and therefore, gloves without a keystone thumb are less comfortable. They are also a sign of a lower quality glove.

Useful Links:

Flash Gloves (all models)

Men’s Flash Gloves

Colored Gloves (Including Silk and Satin models)

Thank you for subscribing to my blog.

Joe McGarry – The Glove Guru

White Gloves

White Gloves

White Gloves happens to be one of the most popular searched key words in regards to gloves on the internet search engines. It’s also interesting that white gloves happen to be our largest selling gloves in terms of volume.

To give you a little history, White Gloves happened to be our first product line on Gloves-Online back in 1996. To put this time-line in an interesting perspective, this was even before Google was live.

We introduced white gloves since people were searching for these using our static web site that only had an email contact link along with glove information. This was before internet shopping carts. People kept asking us where they could purchase white gloves so with their help; they did our marketing research to introduce white gloves as our first product.  

This wasn’t exactly a rabbit out of that hat idea as an internet product idea since we were already an established domestic glove manufacturer. We used Gloves-Online to sell the high-tech gloves that we manufactured but we also needed some consumer gloves to help with our visibility on the early Netscape browser search engine at the time. Maybe that brings back some memories for old times sake. I doubt you Millennials have a clue what I’m referring to here.

The vast majority of the White Gloves we sell today are cotton gloves and nylon gloves. Although we also sell white leather gloves which are only popular in the winter months and normally only used as a nice fashion accessory, my focus will cover our cotton and nylon gloves. Another large category for white gloves is satin and silk gloves which I will discuss in the future. These models are normally used for weddings and balls.

Our White Gloves today:  

As you can tell by the paragraph above, we’ve got the white glove category covered. The important issue is that not only are we an authority on gloves, we have 30 years of glove manufacturing know-how and expertise.

This brings up another matter. Quality and trust from these years of making and selling white gloves. We not only know how to make a good quality glove for a fair and reasonable price, we also know what the market wants, needs, and likes in gloves.

The white gloves we make and sell today are much different than the ones we introduced in 1996 except for a select few nylon models. Over the years, we learned what people liked in these gloves and what people preferred as far as glove design, glove fit, glove feel, and glove function. I often say that when it comes to gloves, it’s all about the 3 F’s. Fit, feel, and function.

Another aspect is pricing. It’s a big mistake to think that people buy gloves based on price. Although, people are very cost conscious, people don’t want gloves that are too thin that you can see through them. They don’t want gloves where the knit gauge is too high were they end up stretching and falling off. Nor do customers want gloves that fall apart due to poor stitching.

A big mistake that people often make when searching for white gloves on the internet is they cannot judge the quality or type of glove. They simply type in “white gloves” in the search and up pops the following types. Cheap inspection gloves used in manufacturing operations to eliminate finger prints on products or inexpensive thin therapy gloves from the chain drug stores that are used primarily for wound protection or therapeutic creams. Although our gloves can be used in these cases since they are made from 100% pure quality cotton, most people want gloves for special events where they look great and feel great.

A point to always remember: “You get what you pay for.”


Popular White Glove Categories

I’m sure you never sat back and thought about all of the uses that people need white gloves for so I listed the most popular categories. To help you, these categories are linked to our web site in case you are reading this for the first time and looking for a glove in the general category you’re searching. Note: The site search on our web site will do the same.

When you link to any of the categories below, the header in that category describes the type of gloves that are listed in that specific glove category.

You may also find this list amusing if it’s new to you. The other funny aspect is that these categories are only the most popular. If you know of a good one, please let me know, we would enjoy your feedback.

For example, we know that some of our gloves are used for Bell Choirs but we have this covered under our Church Glove category.

Here’s this list:

Band Gloves

Church Gloves

Cotillion Gloves

Doorman Gloves

Food Service Gloves

Formal Gloves

Funeral Gloves

Hospitality Gloves

LOGO Gloves

Military Gloves

Parade Gloves

Santa Claus Gloves

Uniform Gloves

Usher Gloves


White Cotton Gloves verses White Nylon Gloves

Which one should I buy?

This is a question that we get asked about almost every day for new customers. I’ll answer the most popular questions below.

Are the cotton glove models better than the nylon glove models?

The answer is no. Our white nylon gloves are a very high quality nylon that looks and feels like cotton. The big difference here is that the cotton can be bleached and washed if they get dirty and you want to reuse them. The nylon gloves also stretch unlike the cotton gloves.

When should I buy nylon gloves rather than cotton gloves?

This is a simple answer since our cotton gloves and nylon gloves are of the same quality, look, and feel. The main difference is with sizing issues.

Our cotton gloves are made in up to 7 different sizes for men, women, and children depending on the model. See our sizing chart in the left hand navigation panel of our web site.

Remember, our nylon gloves are made to stretch. Therefore, we have only 2 adult sizes plus children’s sizes in separate models.

The adult sizes in the nylon gloves come in 2 sizes: Small/Medium and Large/Extra Large. The S/M will fit most women and the L/XL will fit most men. We always suggest that if you are looking to buy gloves for a large group of people, then buy the nylon gloves since the fit is more forgiving.


Our most popular White Gloves:

CP-250 – White Cotton Parade Gloves


NYP-404 – Unisex Stretch White Nylon Gloves


Thank you for subscribing to my blog,

The Glove Guru

Joe McGarry

High Performance Cut Resistant Gloves (Uncoated Models)

In this post I will discuss “Uncoated” Cut Resistant Gloves. I think it is important to distinguish uncoated cut resistant gloves from coated cut resistant gloves for several reasons. I’ll cover the differences as I discuss the features.

Although you can conclude from my previous discussions that I’m a big fan of coated cut resistant gloves, uncoated models are very appropriate for many uses and indications requiring safety cut resistant situations.

Largest demand for uncoated cut resistant gloves:

The largest demand for uncoated cut resistant gloves is in the food service industry where the need for enhanced gripping is not required. I know many of you will initially think the need for grip is needed due to the sharp knives used but this is not the case. For those of you familiar with the food industry and particularly butchers, you will always see a butcher wearing only “one” glove. These gloves are always cut resistant models. The hand usually without a glove is referred to as the knife hand which meat and poultry cutters prefer in order to maintain better control of the knives. As you can imagine, gloves can diminish the intricate control of the knife and this hand does not need any cut protection. On the other hand, the actual piece of food does not require any special gripping. This hand only requires the use of a disposable glove to protect from any cross-contamination from someone’s hand.

Uncoated Cut Resistant gloves are not limited to the food service industry by any means. They are widely popular in uses such as the fishing industry, oyster shucking, sheet metal handling, canning, and other industrial applications. Uncoated cut resistant gloves are normally easier to clean and sterilize and are not prone to breakdown due to harsh chemicals.

Uncoated Cut Resistant Gloves are ambidextrous:

Another interesting aspect of uncoated cut resistant gloves is that they are ambidextrous meaning they can be worn on either hand. This cannot be accomplished with a coated cut resistant glove due to the coating on one side or the palm side.  

This ambidextrous feature can also extend the wear life of the gloves which can also reduce costs.

ANSI Cut Level of Uncoated Gloves

You will find that uncoated cut resistant gloves come in all levels of cut resistance. To save reading time and repetition on this topic, you can find other references on this issue in other posts. Just type in ANSI Cut Level in the search area of this blog and you will find plenty of references on this issue.

Uncoated Cut Resistant Glove Fibers:

You will find the same type of fibers in both the coated cut resistant gloves as well as the uncoated models. However, you will find a few antimicrobial uncoated models that use a special blended antimicrobial fiber with the cut resistant fiber. This feature is easier to accomplish with uncoated models since coatings are difficult to be made antimicrobial and coatings can also block the antimicrobial feature of the fiber in the gloves.


You will not find any significant difference in prices verses the coated and uncoated models. Pricing is largely reflected by the fiber used and since both types use the same fibers, pricing will be similar. The coatings themselves are fairly inexpensive and are applied using machines.

Examples of Various Uncoated Cut Resistant Gloves:

Below are a few examples of our most popular uncoated cut resistant gloves. I am not going to bore you by listing all of these uncoated cut resistant gloves here in this post, so I think listing the most popular is a better approach. You will find a link to all of our cut resistant gloves below if needed.

Also, I will only include a few important bullet points with each example and you can review a more detailed description by clicking on the links.

Please note that the examples listed are approved for direct and indirect food handling.

Wells Lamont Whizard Stainless Steel Metal Mesh Gloves

Micro-plasma welded 4 mm rings have no gaps to trap soil that can feed bacterial growth.

  • Ambidextrous
  • Available in 3 Wrist Lengths and 7 sizes for men and women.


Kut Gard Dyneema Antimicrobial Cut Resistant Gloves

  • Antimicrobial Fiber
  • Ambidextrous
  • 13 Gauge Seamless Thin Knit
  • ANSI Cut Level 5


Kut Gard Dyneema/Lycra Seamless Knit Cut Resistant Gloves

  • Ambidextrous
  • Softer and more flexible 13 Gauge Seamless Thin Knit 
  • ANSI Cut Level 2

Link to Cut Resistant Gloves

Thank you for subscribing.

The Glove Guru – Joe McGarry

Why I generally suggest Coated Cut Resistant Gloves over uncoated versions

As many of you may already know that I am very partial to coated cut resistant gloves. However, I wanted to substantiate my position on the matter from a technical and practical perspective.

First, I should emphasize and disclose that I also highly endorse uncoated cut resistant gloves for special uses. One ideal example would be cut resistant gloves used for safety purposes in the food services and food handling sectors. These would be uncoated gloves like the extraordinary Wells Lamont Whizard Stainless Steel Mesh Cut-Resistant Gloves and the PIP Kut Gard Seamless Knit Dyneema Cut Resistant Gloves. Therefore, I will discuss these further in another new Glove Guru Blog post.

Thinness and Cut Resistance

As I have previously discussed in other posts, Coated Cut Resistant Gloves have vastly improved in recent years. Not only have they become exceptionally thin, the level of cut resistance has become remarkably very high. These two advantages alone make an impressive case to support and recommend their use in most applications requiring safe cut resistant protection.


The other main and very important advantage of the coated versions is the superior grip over uncoated models. Gripping is a major factor in safety gloves, especially when it includes cut resistance.

ANSI Cut Resistance Levels

Since I often refer to the ANSI level of cut resistance, for those of you not familiar with this EN388 standard, you can refer to my post which explains this standard and the newer rating symbols.


You will need to familiarize yourself with the various ratings in order to purchase cut resistant gloves for your particular application. The new ratings refer to ANSI Cut Levels A1 to A9. The most popular gloves are usually A2 to A4 (A4 being a higher cut resistance). When you are looking to purchase a new pair of cut-resistant gloves, we make it easy for you to locate a glove with the rating you prefer. Simply type in the rating number in our site search box at the top of our Home page and we will display all the gloves with that rating. It’s that easy. For example: Type in A4 in the search box and all of the ANSI Cut Level A4 gloves will display for you.


Regarding pricing, it should be obvious to everyone that the higher the price, the higher the level of cut resistance. This is largely due to the fiber being more expensive to make or with the blend of other fibers such as stainless steel. The old axiom of “you get what you pay for” applies here, too.


Regarding coatings, Nitrile Coated Cut Resistant Gloves are the most popular since Nitrile is a very durable latex rubber free polymer and it is also resistance to most chemicals. Polyurethane is an excellent coating like Nitrile but not as popular due to the complexities in manufacturing the PU polymer. Plus PU coatings tend to be more expensive.

I personally like polyurethanes over nitrile coatings since they are also biocompatible and just as strong and resistant to chemicals.


Some Glove examples:

One of popular A4 models is the #WK-CC470 ATG Nitrile Coated Dyneema Maxicut Cut Resistant Gloves (19-D470).

The 470 model is very form-fitting and very durable. Most users purchase these since they have a long-life and the cut resistance is very respectable.


Another popular A3 model is the #WK-CC3745 ATG MaxiCut Ultra, Cut Resistant Micro-Foam Nitrile Coated Gloves (44-3745)

The 3745 is another example of a nice form-fitting glove and they also comply with FDA food handling requirements 21 CFR, Part 177.


An A3 model that we’ve sold since 2008 is the #WK-CC322 GREAT WHITE™ Dyneema®/Lycra® Polyurethane Coated Cut Resistant Gloves (19-D322)

This model has an A3 ANSI Cut Level. This glove is particularly unique since it has a Dyneema/Lycra blend with a polyurethane coating. The Lycra offers a bit more comfort in the fit and polyurethane coatings are as durable and chemical resistant as nitrile. They just aren’t as popular since the polyurethane coating is very difficult to make and manufacture.


A popular A2 model is the #WK-CC8743 ATG Maxiflex Cut, Cut Resistant Micro-Foam Nitrile Coated Gloves (34-8743)

The 8743 is not as cut resistant as the above models but an A2 rating is fairly good for most applications and this model is less expensive. This model also complies with the FDA food handling requirements 21 CFR, Part 177.


These are just a few examples of our coated cut-resistant models. To see our entire line of cut resistant gloves, go to this link:

Cut Resistant Gloves


To see our entire line up of Coated Work Gloves, go to this link:

Coated Work Gloves


Thanks for subscribing to my blog and thank you for your continued business.

Joe McGarry

The GLOVE GURU since 1989

Another new Coated Cut Resistant Glove

As I have previously discussed, the Coated Work Glove category continues to expand for very good reasons. You can check my previous posts so I won’t belabor that issue in this particular post.

This week, we added another new glove to the coated work glove category and this one is a new Thin Cut Resistant model. The coated cut resistant line-up continues to expand for obvious reasons. Their durable, light-weight, offer high dexterity which adds to the safety aspect, and the pricing is becoming very reasonable.

See the new G-Tek Polykor X7 seamless knit with a double dip full nitrile coating and micro-surface grip. Model 16-939. Our listing WK-CC939.

G-Tek Polykor X7 Gloves 16-939

The Polykor blended shell is a proprietary cut resistant fiber that was invented by the PIP group to circumvent the more expensive branded cut resistant fibers which reduces the costs but not the cut resistant performance.

An interesting aspect to me is that the shell is an 18 gauge seamless knit which makes them even thinner than the typical 13 or 15 gauge knits. I doubt many will notice this at first, but this represents a major accomplishment when considering this model is cut resistant as well.  

They are double dipped with a full coating to maintain dry hands in any wet or oily environment.

The Nitrile coating, as most know, is one of the most durable and chemical resistant and the micro surface provides outstanding grip by acting as tiny suction cups.

The other attributes are that they are washable, and resistant to chemicals, water, and UV light.

They are ANSI Cut Level A3 with an EN388 Rating of 4X42C.

Uses include:

Finishing & Inspection, Electronics, General Duty, Small parts assembly, Construction, and Maintenance.

Dotted Palm Coated Work Gloves

Dotted Palm Coated Work Gloves

You’ve seen me cover coated work gloves over time now and this is due to the vast range that is available today. There are so many types of coatings, fibers, and designs that I felt compelled to cover the important topics one by one to help users understand each type of coated work glove and their indications. I will continue covering these topics on coated work gloves over time since they have become the preferred work glove today.

FYI, as a reference, you can always go directly to the “coated work glove” category in the navigation panel of this blog. This includes all of the topics that I’ve covered on coated gloves since 2008. The nice thing is that these articles are permanently archived on the internet for future reference.

An often over-looked feature with palm coated gloves is that a few models have enhanced “raised” dots inherent to the coating for extra grip. This is a great feature for added safety when handling slippery or wet articles. The dots also help when handling glass, sharp metal, or any item needing that extra grip. The dotted feature increases durability of the glove and provides more cushioning in highly repetitive applications requiring precision handling.

The other interesting aspect is that these glove models use Nitrile as the coating of choice for added strength and chemical resistance.

The only negative issue is that I have yet to find a coated cut-resistant glove with dotted palms. This seems like a no brainer to me but I’m sure they are on the horizon.

Here’s my list of dotted palm coated gloves to make it easier to locate them. You can also use our search bar and type in “dotted palm” and they will show up in your search.

#WK-C844 ATG MaxiFlex Endurance Coated Gloves with Dotted Palm (34-844)

Gray Seamless Knit Nylon/Lycra Liner with Black Micro-Foam Nitrile Coated Palm & Raised Dots


#WK-C244 ATG MaxiFlex Elite Micro-Foam Nitrile Coated Gloves with Micro-Dot Palm (34-244)

Blue Seamless Knit Nylon/Lycra Liner with Blue Micro-Foam Nitrile Coated Palm & Raised Dots


#WK-C845 ATG MaxiFlex Endurance 3/4 Coated Gloves with Dotted Palm (34-845)

Gray Seamless Knit Nylon/Lycra Liner with Black Micro-Foam Nitrile Coated Palm, Full Finger, Knuckles & Raised Dots on Palm


#WK-C8745 ATG MaxiFlex Endurance Drivers Fully Coated Gloves (34-8745)

Seamless Knit Nylon/Lycra Liner Completely Coated with Black Micro-Foam Nitrile Coated & Raised Dots Palm

Warm Weather Work Gloves with Cool Prices.

Everyone has their favorite work gloves but those that work outdoors in the hot sun of summer find that their favored model is simply too hot to wear for any extended period of time. This is especially the case for men and women whose jobs are outdoors in warm climates such as construction, landscaping or road workers.

I’ve broken down our most popular warm weather glove models into a few select categories such as mechanics gloves, leather gloves, and our popular coated work gloves. This list will make it easier for you to select a good warm weather work glove rather than scroll and search through our large selection of work gloves.

Here’s the list…..

Leather models:

#WK-1347 Caiman Unlined Goat Skin Leather Driver Work Gloves

These Goatskin leather drivers’ style work gloves are very supple yet very durable.  

  • Medium Weight Goat Skin, Abrasion Resistant Cowhide Leather
  • Unlined for maximum tactile sensitivity.
  • Shirred elasticized Wrist
  • Straight Thumb provides a secure and anchored fit. 

#WK-98 Kinco® Premium Grain Cowhide Unlined Drivers Gloves

  • Golden Grain Premium Cowhide Leather Drivers
  • Shirred Elastic Back
  • Keystone Thumb – A keystone thumb provides added reinforcement and padding at the point on the glove that receives the most wear. It is a double thickness of leather that overlaps onto the base of the thumb.
  • Turned Leather Binding 

#WK-908 Kinco® High-Vis Lime Green Mesh Unlined Pigskin Palm Gloves

Day and Night “Warm Weather” High-Vis protection

  • Green Nylon Mesh Back for those hot summer days
  • 3M Scotchlite Reflective Material
  • Keystone Thumb

The Glove Guru’s comment: Did you know that Pigskin Dries Soft and Supple after getting WET!

#WK-909 Kinco® High-Visibility Orange Mesh Unlined Pigskin Palm Gloves

Day and Night “Warm Weather” High-Vis protection

  • Orange nylon mesh back for hot summer days
  • 3M Scotchlite Reflective Material
  • Keystone Thumb

The Glove Guru’s comment: Did you know that Pigskin Dries Soft and Supple after getting WET!

Mechanics Gloves:

#307070 Youngstown General Utility Plus with Grey Mesh Mechanics Gloves

  • Designed for durability and breath-ability in warm weather
  • Breathable Stretch Mesh Removes Heat and Moisture
  • Asphalt Palm Reinforcement Increases Durability
  • Oil & Water Resistant Synthetic Palm
  • Adjustable Velcro Closure Provides Wrist Support
  • Terry Cloth Thumb for Wiping Sweat & Debris

Coated Work Gloves:

#WK-C125 – G-TEK Coated White Polyurethane/White Nylon Coated Gloves

POLYURETHANE PU coatings, due to their strength, provide extra abrasion resistance and extended wear. 

This premium quality coated seamless knit nylon glove offers great dexterity. The polyurethane coated palm and fingers are ideal for abrasion resistance. Breathable back for comfort. 

Applications: These Coated Gloves are used in electronics and computer assembly, quality control, inspection and general assembly.

Manufacturer Part No. 33-125

#WK-C125-G – G-TEK Coated Gray Polyurethane/Gray Nylon Coated Gloves

Same glove as the (WK-C125) except with gray coating.

Manufacturer Part No. 33-G125

#WK-C244 ATG MaxiFlex Elite Micro-Foam Nitrile Coated Gloves with Micro-Dot Palm

Blue Seamless Knit Nylon/Lycra Liner with Blue Micro-Foam Nitrile Dotted Coated Palm & Raised Dots

  • The Ultimate in Super Light Breathable Micro-Foam Nitrile Dipped Nylon Coated Gloves.
  • Raised Micro Dots to increase durability and cushioning.
  • Ultra-Cool and Very Comfortable to Wear, Breathable Coating Keeps Hands Cool and Dry.
  • Treated with to Repel Water and Light Oil.
  • Excellent Dexterity, Sensitivity and Tactility.
  • Manufacturer Part No. 34-244

#WK-C274 ATG MaxiFlex Elite Ultra-Light Coated Gloves

Blue Seamless Knit Ultra-light-weight Liner with Blue Micro-Foam Nitrile Coated Palm & Finger Tips

  • The Ultimate in Super Light Breathable Micro-Foam Nitrile Dipped Nylon Coated Gloves.
  • 30% thinner than traditional foam Nitrile gloves.
  • Ultra-Cool and very Comfortable to Wear, Breathable Coating Keeps Hands Cool and Dry.
  • Treated repel Water and Light Oil.
  • Excellent Dexterity, Sensitivity and Tactility.
  • Manufacturer Part No. 34-274

#WK-C8264 ATG MaxiFlex Active Ultra-Light Coated Gloves

Pink Seamless Knit with Lycra Ultra-light-weight Liner with Pink Micro-Foam Nitrile Coated Palm & Finger Tips

  • The Ultimate in Super Light Breathable Micro-Foam Nitrile Dipped Nylon Coated Gloves.
  • Aloe infused liner provides superior comfort.
  • 30% thinner than traditional foam Nitrile gloves.
  • Ultra-Cool and very Comfortable to Wear, Breathable Coating Keeps Hands Cool and Dry.
  • Treated repel Water and Light Oil.
  • Excellent Dexterity, Sensitivity and Tactility.
  • Manufacturer Part No. 34-8264

#WK-C844 ATG MaxiFlex Endurance Coated Gloves with Dotted Palm

Gray Seamless Knit Nylon/Lycra Liner with Black Micro-Foam Nitrile Coated Palm & Raised Dots

  • The Ultimate in Super Light Breathable Micro-Foam Nitrile Dipped Nylon Coated Gloves.
  • Raised Micro Dots to increase durability and cushioning.
  • Ultra-Cool and Very Comfortable to Wear, Breathable Coating Keeps Hands Cool and Dry.
  • Treated to Repel Water and Light Oil.
  • Excellent Dexterity, Sensitivity and Tactility.
  • Manufacturer Part No. 34-844

#WK-C874 ATG MaxiFlex Ultimate Palm Coated Gloves

  • Micro Foam Nitrile coatings are compatible with light oils and will provide a good grip and excellent abrasion resistance.
  • 360° Breath-ability – Patented micro-foam Nitrile coating offers 360° breathability, making it the most breathable glove on the market today
  • 25% Thinner – Than most foam Nitrile gloves on the market while offering twice the mechanical performance
  • Complies with FDA food handling requirements 21 CFR, Part 177
  • Manufacturer Part No. 34-874 

#WK-C874FY ATG Maxiflex Ultimate Hi-Vis Yellow Nitrile Coated Gloves

Nitrile Coated Palm & Finger Tips, High Visibility Yellow Seamless Knit Polyester Liner

  • A Light-weight 15 gauge breathable Nylon Coated Gloves.
  • Excellent Dexterity, Sensitivity and Tactility.
  • Manufacturer Part No. 34-874FY

Why Nitrile Rubber is very popular in coated work gloves

Coated Glove cross section illustration

It always surprises me that most workers looking for good thin work gloves with coated palms for better gripping think they are always made using natural (latex) rubber. Although many of these gloves are made using a latex coating, the most popular and better models use a nitrile coating.

First, let me explain a little bit about nitrile.

Nitrile rubber (NBR) is a synthetic rubber compound in general terms. It is commonly used in fuel and oil handling hoses, seals, and grommets since ordinary natural latex rubber cannot be used. It is also more resistant than latex rubber to oils and acids and has superior strength. It is also more puncture and abrasion resistant than natural latex rubber gloves.

Healthcare workers know nitrile gloves well since they are also less likely to cause allergic reactions than latex gloves. They also like them since nitrile gloves seldom rip apart when putting them on opposed to latex gloves.

As a footnote, when thin knit work gloves are enhanced by a foam coating on the palms and fingers, it offers very good grip in contact with chemicals including oils, petrochemicals, fuels and most acids.

Useful links for finding the ideal coated work glove for you:

Coated Work Gloves