For those of you internet affectionados who find an interest in the history of the internet fascinating and intriguing, you may be enlightened to learn a little bit about the internet history of GO GLOVES with some unique and now ancient images.
You can find other information about GO GLOVES here on this blog using the “categories section” or using the “search” function since this post only focuses on our interesting internet history with images.
It all began in 1996, even before Google and Amazon had their internet presence, that I embraced the internet as a glove developer and manufacturer.
Back then, according to my research, you may find it unbelievable that there were only 100,000 web sites on the world-wide web compared to over 160 million by 2008. Today, it is estimated that there is over 1.83 billion web sites.
I am proud to say that we were one of those 100,000 web sites even before Google and Amazon. So, we do have some bragging rights here none the less. As a matter of fact, we were actually the first glove company in the world to launch a web site.
A few of you may recall that the dominate browser in 1996 was Netscape and the Netscape Navigator. This browser eventually became the backbone for the current Mozilla Firefox browser.
In order to easily show and illustrate our progress from 1996, I am using only a few actual snap shots of our Home Page that I saved and archived over the years. There are many shots that I have but these represent the major improvements and up-grades that we have made since 1996. The shots actually speak for themselves. I have no doubt that looking back will bring a chuckle to most of you.
I will refrain from going into any history here other than some simple footnotes. There is historical information located in the links on the right hand navigation for those of you looking for more details about us as I previously mentioned.

1996: Our very first and now ancient static Home Page designated as “Your Web Resource for Gloves”

1998: Glove navigation introduced with our first and very primitive shopping cart with online payment processing.

2008: Easy and improved glove navigation via unique glove category linking.

2012: Glove Categories improved for easier navigation between consumer gloves to industrial work gloves.
2021: Today, with our formal branding to GO GLOVES
Today, we own and manage over 31 URL domains and 23 of them are related directly to GO GLOVES.
Thank you for subscribing,
Joe McGarry
The Glove Guru