Why you want a glove with a Keystone Thumb

This is an example of a Keystone Thumb Feature

For over 25 years, GO Gloves has been famously known world-wide for our high-quality gloves. This not only includes our materials of choice, and the construction and design of our gloves, but also the fine features we include in each glove model.

This includes glove features like the “ergonomic” finger lengths, our precise sizing, the finger fourchettes on some models, ornamental seams on the back of various glove models, our special Beaded Palm gloves for better grip, our unique shirred “gathered” wrists which help hold the gloves on the hand, and our Keystone Thumbs.

These glove features, just to name a few, are good to know about ……and from time to time, I like to bring them to your attention.

I have no doubt that most of you have no clue what a Keystone Thumb is, which is expected, so I will inform you on this special glove feature so you can make wise decisions on your glove purchases in the future. 

Keystone thumb feature: I am sorry to repeat myself about this glove feature since I have discussed this feature many times in the past, but it is essential. This glove feature may not seem to be particularly important or maybe taken for granted, but a Keystone Thumb feature is very important if you want the gloves to be comfortable, offer better dexterity, have a more natural fit and be more form fitting to your hand, and “ergonomically” fit the user. After all, this is what a high-quality glove is all about.

As an example, think of the comfort and dexterity required by marching band instrument members who must wear and use the gloves for exceptionally long periods of time. This includes the dexterity that is desired and required by musicians and everyone else who wears and uses gloves daily or occasionally. The same also applies to most all work gloves that must be used and worn daily.

Note: To identify a Keystone Thumb glove model, these are where the thumb piece is made separately and set into and sewn into the palm of the glove. Gloves without a Keystone Thumb are simply two pieces of fabric laid out and cut to the shape of the hand and sewn together. We often refer to these types of glove thumbs as Wing Thumbs or Straight Thumbs. Our hands are not designed this way and therefore, gloves without a keystone thumb are less comfortable, have an unnatural fit, and provide much less dexterity.

Gloves without a Keystone Thumb are also a sign of a lower quality and cheaply made glove. A Keystone Thumb is an essential feature in almost any glove except for Ambidextrous Gloves, Knit Gloves, or some rugged Heat Resistant Gloves and various industrial work gloves such as some Impact Resistant Gloves and Welding Gloves.

In conclusion, the fine glove features that we use in our gloves that I mention in my introduction, like a Keystone Thumb, certainly add to the costs in producing the gloves. However, our goal is to only provide the best quality gloves available. It is what we built our glove business upon since our beginnings and that will never change. It is what we are renowned for and why we have thousands of repeat gloves customers around the world.

“We leave the cheaply made gloves up to our competitors along with the complaints that come with them”.

As always, let me know if you have any questions or questions pertaining to any glove feature or a glove purchase that you may need assistance on. It is always nice to speak directly with our customers and I enjoy when they say, “I’m glad I called.”

Thank you for subscribing,

Joe McGarry

The Glove Guru

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