Gloves making some serious noise

Two years has passed since a sports marketing group appeared on my door step with some primitive but functional gloves that made a lot of noise when you clapped your hands together. They were very excited about their invention but disenchanted by the failure by a few glove manufacturers making promises to develop a stadium ready glove.

Typically, I was enlightened by their enthusiasm and excited about the concept.

In time for the baseball playoffs, I managed to tweak “their” concept using hardened baseball bat wood glued to a weight-lifting glove to the gloves they market (and we make) today. (Enlarge image or go to their web site below)

Mission accomplished: a low cost; universal size; comfortable glove that can make more noise than anyone can imagine (or bear to listen to) and intimidate the heck out of opponents on the field or in a stadium.

If you need some noise from your fans, contact the guys at Home Team Handz. Just don’t tell them the Glove Guru sent you. They’re pretty busy.

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